Announcement: To ensure optimal compatibility and performance of the SimplyGo app, please update your mobile device OS version to a minimum of Android 10 or iOS 14 before 5 February 2025.
Scam alert! A post impersonating SimplyGo, selling $3 EZ-Link cards with unlimited travel has been circulating. Please only get your EZ-Link cards from authorised sales channels. All SimplyGo promotions are conducted solely through our official channels only.
Click on the links below to access the respective online replacement forms. Please visit this page for information on the documents to bring if you wish to replace your concession card at our SimplyGo Ticketing Service Centre.
Please note that you will not be allowed to change the photo and name on the card if you are collecting your replacement concession card at the SimplyGo Kiosk. The replacement concession card will be printed with the same photo as on the original card.