Announcement: To ensure optimal compatibility and performance of the SimplyGo app, please update your mobile device OS version to a minimum of Android 10 or iOS 14 before 5 February 2025.
Scam alert! A post impersonating SimplyGo, selling $3 EZ-Link cards with unlimited travel has been circulating. Please only get your EZ-Link cards from authorised sales channels. All SimplyGo promotions are conducted solely through our official channels only.
Issued by LTA
As announced by Transport Minister Chee Hong Tat, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) will be extending the existing adult card-based ticketing (CBT) system, to operate in parallel with the SimplyGo system. The extension will continue to give adult commuters the option of using the EZ-Link and NETS FlashPay cards or their SimplyGo-compatible cards on public transport.
2 Adult commuters who have purchased SimplyGo EZ-Link cards or converted their EZ-Link cards to SimplyGo between 9 and 22 January 2024 (inclusive), will have the option to exchange their cards to a CBT EZ-Link card free of charge, if they wish to do so.
3 Concession cardholders who obtained a SimplyGo-compatible card or converted their cards to SimplyGo on or before 22 January will also have the option to exchange their card to a CBT Concession card free of charge, if they do not wish to continue using their SimplyGo cards. This includes seniors, students, Workfare Transport Concession cardholders, and persons with disabilities.
4 We seek commuters’ understanding that we require some time to prepare our operations for the card exchange, to minimise inconvenience to commuters. Details will be available by end February.
5 Meanwhile, we will continue to enhance SimplyGo to provide a better user experience.