Tender Notices

Eligibility Criteria

Soft Copy Submission of Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to be signed through SignRequest by 12pm on 10 November 2022 (Thursday).
Please provide your company details, name, designation and email address of signer and witness to EZL’s POC via email.

Release of Tender Documents
11 November 2022 (Friday)
Tender Closing Time and Date
1600 hours on 05 December 2022
Point of Contact (POC) Email
James Chen jameschen@ezlink.com.sg

EZ-Link reserves the right to shortlist Tenderer under this Tender or none at all, or to award in part or none at all, the Tender in our absolute discretion.
Tender documents will not be released if signed NDA is received after 12pm (SGT) on 10 November 2022 (Thursday).

Pre-Qualification and Eligibility Criteria

Interested Tenderer must possessed the following certifications in order to participate in this tender:

a) Member in The Singapore Contractors Association Limited (SCAL) and
b) Minimum bizSAFE Level 3 from Workplace Safety and Health Act (WSHA)

Tenderer shall attend the mandatory briefing/site recce to be held at EZ-Link’s Office on
13 April 2023 (Thursday) 2.00pm at:

EZ-Link Pte Ltd
438B Alexandra Road
Blk B Alexandra Technopark
#06-08/09 Singapore 119968 (Enter via Lobby 3)
Contact Person: James Chen

EZ-Link reserve the right not to evaluate proposal from tenderers who did not attend the mandatory briefing and did not possess the above mentioned certificates.

Release of Tender Documents
04 April 2023 (Tuesday)
Tender Closing Time and Date
1600 hours on 04 May 2023
Point of Contact (POC) Email
James Chen jameschen@ezlink.com.sg

EZ-Link reserves the right to shortlist Tenderer under this Tender or none at all, or to award in part or none at all, the Tender in our absolute discretion.

Eligibility Criteria

Electronic submission of Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to be signed by:
07 April 2023 (Friday), 1200 hours Singapore time
Please provide your company details, name, designation and email address of signatory and witness to EZL’s POC via email.

Release of Tender Documents
10 April 2023 (Monday)
Tender Closing Time and Date
1500 hours on 27 April 2023
Point of Contact (POC) Email
Lyu Yixian yixianlyu@ezlink.com.sg

EZ-Link reserves the right to shortlist Tenderer under this Tender or none at all, or to award in part or none at all, the Tender in our absolute discretion.
Tender documents will be released only if the signed NDA is received by EZL by 07 April 2023 (Friday) 1200 hours Singapore time.
